Interview by Erwin Van Dijk

We were after those gigs very busy with writing new material and rehears this (we have a kick ass new set list!) Further as you said we spend a lot of time in recording the new songs. And we have done a new photo shoot…
You have recorded three new songs. Ronald Landa from Delain was responsible for the producing and mixing while Ad Sluyter (of Epica fame) did the mastering. How did you get in touch with these two guys Ronald Landa and Ad Sluyter and how was it to work with them?Ronald Landa is a friend of Paul and me, we played before Delain and Sin7sinS in the same band. Ronald is very good in producing, so he wanted to help us. Ad Sluyter is a friend of Ronald and he is into the mastering…
And, did they have any influence on the sound of the new songs? This is because Delain and Epica are not exactly in the same genre as Sin7sinS.Not really, the songs were already written before recording. But of course they did help create the sound which we were looking for.
Song by song: what can you tell us about the new songs? Music & lyrics? (“Dead World”, “Eye Want All”, “Insult #7”)The new songs are louder and better then our older work. We tried to focus more on the songs as a whole. This implies that vocal work (etc etc…) follows a more natural path. Each song has a different meaning which is best hear able in the lyrics, most songs are inspired by things and events going on in our own lives.
As an artist you naturally grow, however the songs are still in the same line as our older work. But due the fact that we have grown as a band our music has grown to.
This was not your first time in a studio. What have you done different this time?We recorded most of it ourselves this time!
And which studio did you use this time?We used the home studio of Ronald Landa.
Will this stay an online affair or will there be a possibility to legally download it or even a CD version?The meaning of this promo CD, is to score a record label! We are ready for this next step! So a CD will be there when a record label signs us. The 3 new songs are listenable but you can not download them.
This is maybe a bit of topic but do blondes have more fun? Because you have changed your hairstyle since the last time I saw you on stage (at the Mix, Uithoorn).Hahaha, no I don’t think blondes have more fun. I like a change from time till time… not always the same look! But I still have as much fun as I had when I had black hair. The only good thing about it, is that my bathroom has a chance to become white again (as it was before I started painting my hair black, 2 years ago).
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