Interview by CriX

For the readers that don’t know Medeia, can you please introduce the band and give us some biographical hints?Laura: We are Medeia, basically we try to do the kind of music that we would love and to can be proud of. We just make, we love to make and we try to make the best music that we can make with fun. The band was born in 2002 and the original members are the bassist Samuli Kuusinen and the drummer Janne Putkisaari.(nrd. And Janne came)
Janne: Me and Samuli started the band then Laura joined the band in 2006 and Keijo came in 2007, so like 7 years ago, then also Pekko joined the band.
Laura: Yes, in 2006 I joined the band, the first singer was Teemu and then he left. In 2006 I decided to move in Tampere, I was a huge fan of Medeia and then they asked me to be their keyboard player. And now I have this family of people that understand me as who I am.
Talking about your music, you define yourself as an alternative death metal but where Medeia has its musical roots?This is a difficult question because every members of the band has different influences, for example mine are Pantera and Carcass (although I am the youngest person in the band). All of us have different tastes in music which all combined is Medeia. Medeia is the combination of 7 people with 7 differences influences.
Your last album “Iconoclastic” was released last year, what can you tell us about its genesis and the lyrics?Laura: Well, I think you asked to the wrong person, let Samuli speak about it.
Samuli: “Iconoclastic” is a sort of personal beliefs and such consist of 10 different stories basically is about personal experience, some key points are crucial and the way of process life in general. There are two songs that take a lot from the name of the album “Iconoclastic”, that just means stay away from religion symbols which basically are reflect on to the story of now day without logic, without consent with an unhealthy and unbelief system try to make in your away in the world.
I remember when I’ve attended at the Jurassic Rock 2011 festival in Mikkeli, your performance was so powerful that the audiance went crazy for you, how is your rapport with the fans?Nice to hear it! We love our fans and we want to make them happy.
We have NummiRock on schedule for the summer.
I’ve seen Keijo (actually the ex-singer, the new singer is Frans Aalto) in “Vain Kuolema” with other finnish metal singers, I think it’s a great idea really funny, what do you think about it?I need to dispel a myth: he doesn’t drink a bottle in one gulp. I’m so sorry but he was just acting (hahahaha).
You are a great musician, can you talk about your career and when have you started to play the keyboards?Do you think so?! I played piano ever since I remember and it is the huge escape for me. When I have chance to compose I can be myself.
You have collaborated with so many bands such as Ensiferum, Mokoma and MyGrain. I have a particular memory about the European tour with MyGrain in 2011, so that day, you were playing in Ljubljana (and I was present), it was your birthday and for the occasion they gave you a nice mini-cake. What do you remember about that tour?It was AMAZING, how many people can spend a birthday with the people that they love the most not only but with the people that appreciate the shit of each other?! I rembember when the people were singing “Happy birthday Laura“, I can’t still believe it. And also this year I spent my birthday on tour again. I love be on tour and have my birthday on tour and with all the people. How many people have a chance like this? I feel so very lucky.
Everybody knows that in Finland there are many metal bands but if you have to choose only one as the best, which one could be?Hard question but I’m going with a band that is consistently good as musicians and consistently good as performance, I would say Stam1na. Stam1na is one of the best band that is coming out from Finland.
Well, we’re at the end of this interview, would you like to say something to our readers? Thank you so much for you time.I’m more than honored that you have spent your time to read my interview! I love you.
Photo Credit
Photos by Mikko PylkkÖ