CRADLE OF FILTH: ‘How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose?’ video out

Demonic outfit CRADLE OF FILTH is proud to release an extraordinary new video for the monumental track ‘How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose?’.

CRADLE OF FILTH: new video

Demonic outfit CRADLE OF FILTH are proud to release an extraordinary new video, accompanying their magnificently mournful track ‘How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose?‘. The video premiered last night as part of CRADLE OF FILTH‘s Infernal Vernal Equinox Deadstream, and now fans all across the globe can also bask in its sublime black magick.

Directed by Vicente Cordero, the stunning video winds a haunting tale – sinister, alluring and deadly. But he that dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose…

Infamous front-man Dani Filth stated: 
“This is yet another great video by director Vicente Cordero, encapsulating the occult essence of the song’s lyricism with great sweeping colourful strokes of total batshit-craziness. 
It really makes for frightening, yet strangely compelling viewing!”

Watch ‘How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose?‘: 

Cradle Of Filth – How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose? official videoclip

The gates of hell opened once again in 2021, revealing CRADLE OF FILTH‘s 13th manifesto Existence Is FutilePieced together in isolation at Grindstone Studios in Suffolk with studio guru Scott Atkins, the record is a pitch-black, perverse and at times absurdly brutal masterpiece, based around the concept of existentialism.

Diehard fans were thrilled to learn that horror icon Doug ‘Pinhead’ Bradley made a welcome return, lending his dulcet tones to the band’s most politically astute song to date, the epic ‘Suffer Our Dominion‘ as well as the album bonus track ‘Sisters Of The Mist‘, which is the conclusion to the ‘Her Ghost In The Fog‘ trilogy, started over 20 years ago on the infamous and classic Midian.

Purchase/stream Existence Is Futile here:
Necromantic Fantasies‘ official video:
Crawling King Chaos‘ official video:

Dani Filth | Vocals
Richard Shaw | Guitar
Ashok | Guitar
Daniel Firth | Bass
Martin ‘Marthus’ Skaroupka | Drums
Anabelle | Keyboards & Backing Vocals

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