DARKHER: new album in the charts
“The Buried Storm”
enters Top 15 of
German Album Charts
Beloved Northern English doom act DARKHER has entered the official German Album Charts on position 14 with its acclaimed sophomore album “The Buried Storm”, which hit the streets last Friday, April 15.
Prophecy Productions extend their heartfelt congratulations to DARKHER and Jayn Maiven. We are stoked to see such wide-spread recognition of an emotional dark piece of beautiful music.
DARKHER comment: “I never expected this music to go into any charts at all and I am amazed that it went into the top 15 of the German album charts”, writes Jayn. “This feels quite surreal. Thank you so much to everyone who has connected with the album – and of course also to all those who have contributed to its making!”
“The Buried Storm” is streaming at the link below:

1. Sirens Nocturne
2. Lowly Weep
3. Unbound
4. Where the Devil Waits
5. Love’s Sudden Death
6. The Seas
7. Immortals
8. Fear Not, My King