On February 22, 2023, the Finnish artist Piper, also known as Päivi Sihvonen, will release her second single release from her soon-to-be released debut album “What is the heart for?”. Immediately after its release, her first single Self-consciousness gained international interest on music websites, and it was selected for European radio channels and British radio playlists. As a continuation of this metal-style single, the second single, Dream is about the most beautiful dream in the world, that you want to revisit, but cannot. Dream is the album’s sixth song, and this rock ballad transports the listener to wistful landscapes of wishes.
Listen to the single on music services: https://push.fm/fl/piper-dream
How did the song Dream come about?
“The birth of Dream’s words was special. It was kind of the impetus for writing the lyrics for all my songs. The beginnings of the piano compositions had already begun to emerge, the parts of the songs Eternity and Distance had already formed in my mind. Dream was born at night when I was trying to fall asleep under the glow of the full moon. The words came to me, and I started writing”, Päivi recalls and continues:
“In January 2020, there was a mesmerising full moon that lasted for many nights. While I was watching the glow of the moon, a chorus started playing in my head and I wrote it down
Listening to inspiration and acting on it was a powerful experience. I explained to someone dear to me that Dream was born when the moon talked and I wrote. The verse that captures the theme of the song goes: “Insomnia, I want to sink into sleep, anew this dream.”

A woman and a piano create a strong tone in her debut album
“What is the heart for?” the lyrics and the moods of the songs that ended up on the record got their driving force from the challenges of
being human, and got their strong framework inspired by nature.
“I want the public, who discovers my music, to be inspired to make their own interpretations – to give in to being carried away by their
emotions,” describes Päivi.
Originating from classical, tinged with blues and finding fulfillment in the rock sound, the style wants to be its own, fantasy world-creating experience, without compartmentalization. The main role is played by a woman and a piano. In addition, other instruments played by Saku Anttila complete the experience.
Creativity through music and writing helps to open up
Päivi feels that one should not suppress or try to control one’s own unconsciousness:
“Music, writing and the arts are part of something bigger, for which, being open and receptive, you can act as its channel. You should throw yourself at the mercy of creativity and receive and create with the opening energy”, she describes.
“In the aftermath of a breakup from a long relationship years ago, I got through the pain through creativity. Then I made two songs on the piano and wrote them down. I still have not found those notes, one of which I can’t remember at all, but one of them was similar to the piano parts of Dream. As soon as Dream’s lyrics started playing in my head, I connected them to that earlier piano composition of mine. Could they work for that? I wondered. I wanted to try.”