Hailing from Montreal, Quebec, SANGUINE GLACIALIS is preparing to divulge their magnum opus, Maladaptive Daydreaming. A trip through the looking glass, Maladaptive Daydreaming seeks to explore the innermost corners and the intricate workings of the worlds within our own minds. Maladaptive Daydreaming is set to be released on August 18th.
Maladaptive Daydreaming refers to a real condition in which “an individual experiences excessive daydreaming that interferes with daily life,” and as daily life continues to be more and more of a struggle, the escape becomes ever more enticing.
As in the works of Lewis Carroll, SANGUINE GLACIALIS will take you on a journey. “Welcome” entices both the main character and the listener into an imaginary world, but not all is well in this new place. “Immuration” explores the aftermath of being stuck inside for too long and the hatred and depression that builds up. “Malevolent Creativity” is as sinister as it sounds, creating out of darkness rather than passion. Pushing forward, “Resilience” brings hope that things will improve, even when all one can see is bleak. “Cauchemort” is a tragic and painful aria addressing pain and suicide. After a brief instrumental interlude, SANGUINE GLACIALIS builds toward the apex of the album. “Paracusia” refers to auditory hallucinations and how the voices in our own minds can turn against us. Album closer “Resignation” may, on its surface, seem to end on a dark note, but in the end, it is about accepting who we are, and processing our own mental illness.
The album is as much of an adventure sonically as it is lyrically. Pulling from a wide swath of genres from metal, classical, jazz, world music and more, to confine SANGUINE GLACIALIS to one genre would be reductive. Vocalist Maude Théberge is equal parts soprano, banshee and maestro on the keys, as bassist Marc Gervais, guitarists Jonathan Fontaine and Alexandre Lépine, and drummer Jérémy Racine, each build a cacophony of beauty and brutality while also lending their vocals alongside Maude.

SANGUINE GLACIALIS came together at the end of 2010, when a group of music students decided to start a band that mixes all their various influences with metal. The debut album, Dancing with a Hanged Man, was recorded, mixed and mastered at Silver Wings Studios and released in 2012. The band supported this release by touring the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes.
The band released their following EP Pitch Black Sight in 2016, and announced that they would be performing their last show. All members left to pursue personal projects, save for Maude, who wanted to keep the band alive.
With the blessing of the past members, Maude found new members to complete the line-up, and so the band released the single “Oblivion Whispers”, recorded, mixed and mastered by Christian Donaldson, in 2017. They then released their second album Hadopelagic in 2018, again recorded, mixed and mastered by Christian Donaldson. The band supported the release of the album through several concerts in Eastern Canada again, playing for local festivals and opening for international acts.
Without darkness there can be no light. SANGUINE GLACIALIS have stared into the very blackest pit, and, inspired by what they saw there, forged sonic masterpieces of the darkest beauty. It’s not surprising that their name means “Frozen Blood” in Latin!
Maude Théberge – Vocals & Keyboard
Marc Gervais – Bass & Backvocals
Jonathan Fontaine – Guitar & Backvocals
Alexandre Lépine – Guitar & Backvocals
Jérémy Racine – Drums & Backvocals
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/sanguine-glacialis/1330668835
Bandcamp: https://sanguineglacialis.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanguineGlacialis
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/SanguineGlacialis
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0DoUdf5EeKfI4R8Qal1KV3?si=7104908375964e6a