Interview by CriX

Thank you!
Would you mind introduce and give us some biographical hints about your band?Eleanoora Rosenholm‘s project has its inception back in 2005 from Mika Rättö and Pasi Salmi. And their idea was to write songs about crazy women with a nice electronic music flavour. Then they asked me to sing and I said ok. We have recorded 3 album and now we’re currently playing some gigs but usually on the stage many different musicians participate.
The particularity of your music is that your music sounds so pop but the lyrics are about so murderous and depressing, from where pops up this idea?This idea came from Mika Rättö, he came up with the name Eleanoora Rosenholm, and actually he has written all the lyrics. He wanted to write about different people like some murderous women that kill boyfriends or a really depressed mother whom start to commiting murders or other like for example of women that drives ambulances. I think Pasi Salmi decided to combine electronic music.
One of the things that makes your music unique is the deliberated choice of writing your lyrics in your native language, (the Finnish language), why you opt for this?Mika wrote all the lyrics, I don’t think he has never written in English, I play in other bands and I write by myself the lyrics in English. For him is natural write in Finnish, he’s also a book writer.
Pasi and Mika listen to a lot of different music, Mika has started with Iron Maiden, Kate Bush and Pasi likes bands like Pet Shop Boys. I think they like to combine this theatrical and dramatic things in music.
Your last album “Hyväile minua pimeä tähti” was released back in 2011, what are you planning for your future?Are you working on a new album?We are working on a double album but Mika is so busy because he’s currently filming a movie, so when the movie will be ready we will back on working and releasing our upcoming album. For the moment we have recorded only a few of tracks but we have still a lot of work to do.
I really liked your videos, I think the right word for describing it are weird, tho’ how you create your videos?Well, the videos that we have shot so far sees the collaboration of different people. Sami Sänpäkkilä, who’s the owner of our label Fonal Records, is also a very talented and experienced film-maker and consequently he has shot some of our videos. The other two videos are were shot by this dude from Helsinki called Pete Veijalainen, who first of all is an ER fan and he enjoys our music, and he’s simply helped us out in creating the video for “Ambulanssikuskitar” video that won the “Best Finnish video” award in 2009 at thje “Oulu Music Video Festival”. In the end, they just came up with some ideas and just followed their instructions, that’s it.
Besides music, do you have any hobbies?Nothing.(ndr. laughing) I have two kids and they are still so young so there’s a lot to do and then I work in Pori we have this Nuorten työpaja (it’s like a recreational space for young people) where you can come everyday and work in different things like painting, play music, sing or whatever you like and I help troubled teens with the musical activities 5 day per weeks. Ah, also I was forgetting to say that I’ve recently discovered that I like to play football, hehehe.
So, Noora we’re at the end of this interview, would you like to greet to our readers?Thank you very much! And I have to say that I didn’t know about Femme Metal Webzine and I love the idea of a webzine strictly dedicated to the woman.